Click on title to access publications. If you are unable to access any of these, please contact me via email: yunjik (at) snu (dot) ac (dot) kr.
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Joseph Drew and Yunji Kim. (2025). “Community Wellbeing and Public Management Theory: How Theory can Explain Pandemic Responses.” International Journal of Community Well-Being Online First. doi: 10.1007/s42413-025-00235-6
Changdeok Jo and Yunji Kim. (2024). “Determinants of Gender Responsive Budget in Central Government Agencies: Focusing on Representative Bureaucracy Theory (중앙행정기관 성인지예산의 결정요인연구: 대표관료제 이론을 중심으로).” Korean Society and Public Administration (한국사회와 행정연구) 35(2):XX-XX. (In Korean)
Yunji Kim and Yeong Ah Jeong. (2024). “Social Values and Subjective Socioeconomic Status Matter for Happiness in Korea.” International Journal of Community Well-Being Online First. doi: 10.1007/s42413-024-00217-0
Changdeok Jo and Yunji Kim. (2023). “An Exploratory Approach to Measuring Fiscal Autonomy of Local Governments: Organizational and Chief Elected Official‘s Perspectives (지방정부의 재정자율성 측정에 대한 탐색적 시도: 조직과 단체장 시각을 중심으로).” The Korean Journal of Local Finance (한국지방재정논집) 28(3): 31-68. (In Korean)
Changdeok Jo, Yeong Ah Jeong, and Yunji Kim. (2022). “Study on Factors Influencing Reelection of Local Government Leaders: Focusing on Candidate Factors and Party Factors (지방자치단체장 재선의 영향요인에 관한 연구 후보자요인과 정당요인을 중심으로).” Journal of Parliamentary Research (의정논총) 17(2): 269-276. (In Korean)
Yunji Kim and Yeong Ah Jeong. (2022). “The Role of Local Governments in South Korea’s COVID-19 Response.” Public Administration and Development Online First. doi: 10.1002/pad.1986
Yeong Ah Jeong and Yunji Kim. (2022). “How Expectancy Disconfirmation of Local Government Services Shape Length of Residency and Participation: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Local Attachment (지방정부서비스에 대한 기대불일치가 거주기간과 참여에 미치는 영향: 지역사회유대의 조절효과를 중심으로).” Korean Public Administration Review (한국행정학보) 56(2): 00-00. doi: (In Korean)
Yeong Ah Jeong and Yunji Kim. (2022). “Do Local Governments Respond to Local Residents?: An Analysis of Korean Local Government Budgets, 2020 (지방정부는 주민의 수요에 반응하는가?: 2020 기초지방자치단체 공공서비스 분야별 예산을 중심으로).” The Korean Journal of Local Government Studies (지방정부연구) 26(1): 1-22. doi: (In Korean)*******2022 BEST ARTICLE AWARD RECIPIENT (2022년 학술상 수상)*********
Yeong Ah Jeong and Yunji Kim. (2021). “Places We Want to Stay: How Local Government Services and Finances Affect Local Attachment and Length of Residence (머무르고 싶은 지역이란?: 지방정부 서비스와 재정이 지역애착과 거주기간에 미치는 영향).” Journal of Local Government Studies 33(3): 55-76. doi: 10.21026/jlgs.2021.33.3.55. (In Korean)
Yunji Kim and Mildred E. Warner. (2021). “Pragmatic Municipalism or Austerity Urbanism? Understanding Local Government Responses to Fiscal Stress.” Local Government Studies 47(2): 234-252. doi: 10.1080/03003930.2020.1729751
Mildred E. Warner, Austin M. Aldag, and Yunji Kim. (2020). “Privatization and Intermunicipal Cooperation in US Local Government Services: Balancing Fiscal Stress, Need and Political Interests.” Public Management Review. doi: 10.1080/14719037.2020.1751255.
Mildred E. Warner, Austin M. Aldag, and Yunji Kim. (2020). “Pragmatic Municipalism: US Local Government Responses to Fiscal Stress.” Public Administration Review. doi: 10.1111/puar.13196.
Yunji Kim, Austin M. Aldag, and Mildred E. Warner. (2020). “Blocking the Progressive City: How State Preemptions Undermine Labor Rights in the US.” Urban Studies doi: 10.1177/0042098020910337.
Yunji Kim, Austin M. Aldag, and Mildred E. Warner. (2020). “A Balanced View: US Local Government Managers’ Perceptions of Fiscal Stress.” Public Administration Quarterly 44(2): 14-42.
Christine Wen, Yuanshuo Xu, Yunji Kim, and Mildred E. Warner. (2020). “Starving Counties, Squeezing Cities: Tax and Expenditure Limits in the US.” Journal of Economic Policy Reform 23 (2): 101-11. doi: 10.1080/17487870.2018.1509711
Austin M. Aldag, Mildred E. Warner, and Yunji Kim. (2019). “Leviathan or Public Steward? Evidence on Local Government Taxing Behavior from New York State.” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 49(4): 671-693. doi: 10.1093/publius/pjy035
Austin M. Aldag, Yunji Kim, and Mildred E. Warner. (2019). “Austerity Urbanism or Pragmatic Municipalism? Local Government Responses to Fiscal Stress in New York State.” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 51(6): 1287-1305. doi:
Yunji Kim. (2019). “Limits of Fiscal Federalism: How Narratives of Local Government Inefficiency Facilitate Scalar Dumping in New York State.” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 51(3): 636-653. doi: 10.1177/0308518X18796511
Seung Jong Lee and Yunji Kim. (2018). “Economy Doesn’t Buy Community Wellbeing": a Study of Factors Shaping Community Wellbeing in South Korea.” International Journal of Community Well-Being. doi:
Yunji Kim and Mildred E. Warner. (2018). “Shrinking Local Autonomy: Corporate Coalitions and the Subnational State.” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 11 (3): 427-441. doi:
Yunji Kim. (2018). “Can Alternative Service Delivery Save Cities after the Great Recession? Barriers to Privatisation and Cooperation.” Local Government Studies 44 (1): 44-63. doi: 10.1080/03003930.2017.1395740
Yunji Kim and Mildred E. Warner. (2018). “Geographies of Local Government Stress after the Great Recession.” Social Policy & Administration 52(1): 365-386. doi: 10.1111/spol.12307
Yunji Kim. (2017). “Limits of Property Taxes and Charges: City Revenue Structures After the Great Recession.” Urban Affairs Review. 55(1): 185-209. doi: 10.1177/1078087417697199
Yunji Kim and Mildred E. Warner. (2016). “Pragmatic Municipalism: Local Government Service Delivery After the Great Recession.” Public Administration: An International Quarterly 94 (3): 789-805. doi: 10.1111/padm.12267
Robert Cummins and Yunji Kim. (2015). "The use and abuse of ‘community’ and ‘neighbourhood’ within disability research: An exposé, clarification, and recommendation." International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 61 (2): 68-75.
Yunji Kim, Youngwha Kee and Seung Jong Lee. (2015). "An Analysis of the Relative Importance of Components in Measuring Community Wellbeing: Perspectives of Citizens, Public Officials, and Experts." Social Indicators Research 121(2): 345-369.
Youngwha Kee, Yunji Kim, and Yoonjin Lee. (2014). "Sing, Dance, and Be Merry: a Strategy for Successful Urban Development?" Asian Social Science 10(9).
Yunji Kim and Seung Jong Lee. (2013). "The Development and Application of a Community Wellbeing Index in Korean Metropolitan Cities." Social Indicators Research 119(2): 533-558.
Youngwha Kee, Yunji Kim, and Namsuk Kim. (2013). "Developing Community Wellbeing Indicators for Korea: Learning from International Cases." Journal of Regional Studies and Development 22(1). (In Korean)
Seung Jong Lee, Youngwha Kee, Yunji Kim, and Namsuk Kim. (2013). "Comparing Community Wellbeing Index Evaluations of Experts and Public Officials: Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process Method." Korean Public Administration Review 47(1): 295-320. (In Korean)
Seung Jong Lee, Daewook Kim, Yunji Kim. (2021). Local Autonomy: Politics and Policy (4th ed.). Pakyoungsa: Seoul. (In Korean)
Seung Jong Lee and Yunji Kim. (2017). “Achieving Community Well-being through Community Participatory Governance: The Case of Saemaul Undong.” In R. Phillips and C. Wong (Eds.), The Handbook of Community Well-Being Research. ISQOLS/Springer Handbook Series.
Yunji Kim and Kai Ludwigs. (2017). “Measuring Community Well-Being and Individual Well-Being for Public Policy: The Case of the Community Well-Being Atlas.” In R. Phillips and C. Wong (Eds.), The Handbook of Community Well-Being Research. ISQOLS/Springer Handbook Series.
Seung Jong Lee and Yunji Kim. (2016). "Ch. 2 structure of Well-Being: An Exploratory Study of the Distinction Between Individual Well-Being and Community Well-Being and the Importance of Intersubjective Community Well-Being." In Y. Kee, S. Lee, and R. Phillips (Eds.), Social Factors and Community Well-Being. Springer Briefs Series in Well-being and Quality of Life Research.
Youngwha Kee and Yunji Kim. (2015). "Ch. 31 Republic of Korea." In B. Findsen and M. Formosa (Eds.), International Perspectives on Older Adult Education. Springer Lifelong Learning Book Series.
Seung Jong Lee, Yunji Kim, and Rhonda Phillips. (2015). "Ch. 1 Exploring the Intersection of Community Well-Being and Community Development." In S. Lee, Y. Kim, and R. Phillips (Eds.), Community Well-being and Community Development: Conceptions and Applications. Springer Briefs Series in Well-being and Quality of Life Research.
Seung Jong Lee and Yunji Kim. (2015). "Ch. 2 Searching For the Meaning of Community Well-being." In S. Lee, Y. Kim, and R. Phillips (Eds.), Community Well-being and Community Development: Conceptions and Applications. Springer Briefs Series in Well-being and Quality of Life Research.
Youngwha Kee, Yunji Kim, and Rhonda Phillips. (2015). "Ch. 1 Modeling Community Well-Being: A Multi-Dimensional Approach." In Y. Kee, Y. Kim, and R. Phillips (Eds.), Learning and Community Approaches for Promoting Well-being. Springer Briefs Series in Well-being and Quality of Life Research.
edited BOOKS
Seung Jong Lee, Yunji Kim, and Rhonda Phillips (eds.). (2015). Community Well-being and Community Development: Conceptions and Applications. Springer Briefs Series in Well-being and Quality of Life Research.
Youngwha Kee, Yunji Kim, and Rhonda Phillips (eds.). (2015). Learning and Community Approaches for Promoting Well-being. Springer Briefs Series in Well-being and Quality of Life Research. Springer Briefs Series in Well-being and Quality of Life Research.
Yunji Kim. 2015. Book review of Reviving Critical Planning Theory: Dealing with Pressure, Neo-liberalism, and Responsibility in Communicative Planning by Tore Sager in Journal of Planning Education and Research 35 (1): 105-106.
Yunji Kim and Yeong Ah Jeong. “How Objective and Subjective Disconfirmation of Local Government Services Shape Local Community Satisfaction and Length of Residence” Delivered at the 2023 Korean Association for Public Administration (KAPA) International Conference, Boryeong, Korea on June 22, 2023.
Yunji Kim and Yeong Ah Jeong. “Responding to COVID-19 in South Korea: The Role of Local Governments and Citizen Evaluations” Delivered at the Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA), Online, December 4, 2022.
Yunji Kim and Yeong Ah Jeong. “Do local governments respond to resident demands? Focusing on 2020 local government budgets (지방정부는 주민의 수요에 반응하는가? 2020 기초지방자치단체 공공서비스 분야별 예산을 중심으로).” Delivered at the Winter Annual Conference of The Korean Association for Local Government Studies (KALGS) (2022 한국지방자치학회 동계학술대회), Chungju, Korea on February 17, 2022. (In Korean)
Yunji Kim and Mildred E. Warner. “State-local relationships in US Federalism: the weak link?” Delivered at the USC (Univ. of Southern California) – SNU (Seoul National University) BK21FOUR & 10-10 Project International Conference, Online, January 7, 2022.
Yunji Kim and Yeong Ah Jeong. “The Role of Local Governments in Protecting Community Wellbeing During COVID-19 in South Korea.” Delivered at the 61st Annual Conference of The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Online, on October 22, 2021.
Yunji Kim, Mildred E. Warner, and Austin M. Aldag. “Pragmatic Municipalism: US Local Government Responses to Fiscal Stress.” Delivered at the Annual Conference of The American Association of Geographers (AAG), Online, on April 8, 2021.
Yunji Kim, Mildred E. Warner, and Austin M. Aldag. “Privatization & Intermunicipal Cooperation in US Local Government Services: Balancing Fiscal Stress, Need, and Political Interests.” Delivered at the 60th Annual Conference of The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Online, on November 6, 2020.
Yunji Kim, Mildred E. Warner, and Austin M. Aldag. “Pragmatic Municipalism: US Local Government Responses to Fiscal Stress.” The Public Management Research Conference (PMRC), June, 2020. (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
Yunji Kim, Mildred E. Warner, and Austin M. Aldag. “Pragmatic Municipalism: US Local Government Responses to Fiscal Stress.” The 50th Annual Conference of Urban Affairs Association (UAA), March, 2020. (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
Seung Jong Lee, Jae Young Lim, and Yunji Kim. “Community Wellbeing: Factors and Measurement.” Delivered at the KEIO-SNU Joint International Conference, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea on February 21, 2020.
Yunji Kim, Austin M. Aldag, and Mildred Warner. “On Wisconsin, On Wisconsin: Patterning Preemption to Undermine Labor Rights.” Delivered at the 49th Annual Conference of Urban Affairs Association (UAA), Los Angeles, California on April 25, 2019.
Yunji Kim, Austin M. Aldag, and Mildred Warner. “A Balanced View: How Structural Pressures and Local Conditions Shape US Local Government Managers’ Perceptions of Fiscal Stress.” Delivered at the 69th Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association (PSA), Nottingham, United Kingdom on April 15, 2019.
Yunji Kim and Mildred Warner. “Shrinking Local Autonomy: Money, Power and the Role of the Subnational State.” Delivered at the 58th Annual Conference of The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Buffalo, New York on October 25, 2018.
Yunji Kim, Mildred Warner, Austin M. Aldag. “State Preemptions and Local Government Fiscal Stress.” Delivered at “From Research to Action: The Impacts of State Preemptions and the Search for Local Solutions,” Phoenix, Arizona on October 2, 2018
Austin M. Aldag, Mildred Warner, Yunji Kim. “Who Overrides State-Imposed Levy Limits? A Tale of Two New York’s.” Delivered at the 60th Annual Conference of The Western Social Science Association (WSSA), San Antonio, Texas on April 6, 2018.
Christine Wen, Yuanshuo Xu, Yunji Kim, Mildred Warner. “Starving Counties, Squeezing Cities: Tax and Expenditure Limits in the US.” Delivered at the 60th Annual Conference of The Western Social Science Association (WSSA), San Antonio, Texas on April 6, 2018.
Yunji Kim, Austin M. Aldag, Mildred Warner. "Local Government Responses to State Austerity policy in New York State." Delivered at the 57th Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Denver, Colorado on Oct. 14, 2017.
Yunji Kim, Austin M. Aldag, Mildred Warner. "Cuts or Revenue Enhancements? Local Government Responses to Fiscal Stress in New York State." Delivered at the 29th Annual Conference of the Association for Budgeting & Financial Management (ABFM), Washington DC on Sept. 30, 2017.
Yunji Kim. “State Policy and Local Fiscal Stress: A Framework of How State Governments Shape Local Government Abilities to Address Fiscal Challenges.” Delivered at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society (RSS), Columbus, Ohio on Jul. 29, 2017.
Yunji Kim. “State Austerity and Pragmatic Municipalism in Upstate New York.” Delivered at the 56th Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Portland, Oregon on Nov. 3, 2016.
Seung Jong Lee and Yunji Kim. “Economy Doesn’t Buy Community Wellbeing: A Study of Factors Shaping Community Wellbeing in South Korea.” Delivered at the 14th International Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea on Aug. 27, 2016.
Yunji Kim. “City Stress and Revenues After the Great Recession.” Delivered at the Urban Affairs Association (UAA) 46th Annual Conference, San Diego, California on Mar. 19, 2016.
Yunji Kim. "Indicators of Fiscal Stress in US Cities: Property Tax or Charges Dependence?" Delivered at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 55th Annual Conference, Houston, Texas on Oct. 24, 2015.
Yunji Kim and Mildred E. Warner. "Geographies of City Stress, State Policy, and Local Restructuring After the Great Recession." Delivered at the Urban Affairs Association (UAA) 45th Annual Conference, Miami, Florida on Apr. 9, 2015.
Yunji Kim. "Stress and City Services After the Great Recession." Delivered at the 7th Annual Kreuckeberg Doctoral Conference in Urban Studies, Urban Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University, NJ on Mar. 12, 2015.
Yunji Kim and Seung Jong Lee. "Achieving Development and Community Wellbeing: The Community Participatory Governance Model of Saemaul Undong." Delivered at the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) 2015 Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois on Mar. 9, 2015.
Yunji Kim and Mildred Warner. "City Response to Crisis: An Urban Service Perspective." Delivered at the Cornell Population Center-Center for Aging and Policy Studies (CPC-CAPS) Encore Conference, Cornell University, New York on Nov. 14, 2014.
Yunji Kim and Mildred Warner. "City Service Delivery Under Austerity." Delivered at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 54th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Nov. 1, 2014.
Seung Jong Lee and Yunji Kim. "Embedding Community Wellbeing in Public Policy: An exploratory study of relationships between various types of wellbeing." Delivered at the 12th International Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS), Free University, Berlin, Germany on September 15, 2014.
Seung Jong Lee and Yunji Kim. "Community Wellbeing and Individual Wellbeing: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis." Delivered at The 3rd International Forum on Community Wellbeing, Hoam Faculty House, Seoul National University, Korea on June 23, 2014.
Yunji Kim and Mildred Warner. "City Response to Crisis? An Urban Service Perspective." Delivered at the Urban Affairs Association 44th Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas on Mar. 22, 2014.
Seung Jong Lee and Yunji Kim. "Does Income Inequality Affect Life Satisfaction? The Case of South Korea." Delivered at the International Academic Conference on Civil Society, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan on Jan. 29, 2013.
Seung Jong Lee and Yunji Kim. "The Effect of Income Inequality on Community Wellbeing: the Case of 16 Metropolitan Cities in South Korea." Delivered at the 11th International Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS), Ca'Foscari University, Venice, Italy on Nov. 1-4, 2012.
Seung Jong Lee and Yunji Kim. "Community Wellbeing: Concept and Measurement." Delivered at International Forum on Community Wellbeing, Hoam Faculty House, Seoul National University, Korea, June 25-26, 2012.
Yunji Kim and Seung Jong Lee. “Korean Community Wellbeing Index Development and Application” (Korean). The Korean Association for Public Administration Summer Annual Conference, Mokwon University, Daejeon, Korea, June 25, 2011.
Yunji Kim, Seung Jong Lee, and Youngwha Kee. “What do Citizens Want? Development and Application of a Community Well-being Index for Korea.” Delivered at International Conference on the Action Strategy of Lifelong Learning Agenda, Taiwan National Normal University, Taiwan, June 3, 2011.
Yunji Kim. “Korean Community Wellbeing Index Development and Application” (Korean). Delivered at Seoul Association for Public Administration Spring Annual Conference, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, May 13, 2011.
Jikyoung Yun and Yunji Kim. “A Study of Citizenship of Saemaul Leaders: Focusing on Gumi City and Gwanakgu.” Delivered at International Symposium of Designing Governance for Civil Society, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, March 6, 2010.